#TeamJustice is a group of grassroots volunteer organizers who are committed to doing the work in state legislation to create meaningful changes in our criminal justice system under the equity and justice lens for the Black and Brown communities.

Take These Actions Today!

HUGE NEWS! SB474 (Becker) has passed in the California Legislature and is on the Governor’s desk waiting for his signature.

Governor Newsom has vetoed similar bills in recent years. Please use your voice to urge him to pass SB474!

This bill will reduce the markups on all items sold in California state prison canteens to 35% until 2028, and would greatly improve incarcerated people and their loved ones’ ability to purchase essential hygiene items and food supplies.

SB474, also known as the BASICs Act (Basic, Affordable Supplies for Incarcerated Californians) sailed through the legislature with no opposition thanks to your support and advocacy. But we can’t allow the Governor to veto SB 474, which is why we need your help today.

Send a quick note to Governor Newsom right now urging that he sign SB 474!

Call script:

“Hi, my name is __. I’m a California resident, and I am calling to urge Governor Newsom to sign SB474, The BASIC(s) Act, into law. I think it is immoral to rob poor people who are incarcerated. If price gouging is not acceptable in the regular market, it should not be acceptable in the prison system either.”

Other Ways to Support SB474 Today:
Post in support of SB474 (Becker) using this toolkit: bit.ly/SB474Toolkit

Post these tweets today! 

CA has the 2nd highest markup rate on prison canteen items in the nation - overcharging incarcerated ppl & their families by 65% for hygiene items & food needed to survive incarceration. Join us in urging @CAgovernor to sign SB474! #MarkDownTheMarkUps https://bit.ly/474Sign 

Toothpaste, soap, deodorant, soup. Canteen is a necessity - not a luxury for incarcerated people! Urge @CAgovernor to sign SB474 by @SenJoshBecker and reduce the markup on essential canteen items across CA prisons today. #MarkDownTheMarkUp https://bit.ly/474Sign 

Each year incarcerated Californians & their families spend $90M+ on food & basic hygiene supplies at prison canteens. Stop overcharging the most economically disenfranchised people in CA! Help us urge @CaGov to sign #SB474 @SenJoshBecker #MarkDownTheMarkUp https://bit.ly/474Sign 

Share out this report by SF Financial Justice Project showing that eliminating commissary markups in San Francisco jails allowed incarcerated people to afford significantly more food and hygiene items at the jail commissary!

Listen to testimonies from loved ones inside in support of this bill: bit.ly/474InsideTestimonies 

Thank you to Co-Sponsors of SB474: Ella Baker Center for Human Rights (EBC), Legal Aid at Work, Legal Services for Prisoners with Children (LSPC) / All Of Us Or None, MILPA Collective, and Women’s Foundation California Solís Policy Institute for compiling these links

Thank you for taking action!


Thank you for taking action! 〰️