#TeamJustice is a coalition of partners who are committed to doing the work in state legislations to create meaningful changes in our criminal justice system under the equity and justice lens for the Black and Brown communities.

#TeamJustice & partners are advocating for you to SUPPORT SB300 in this 2021 legislative cycle.

Bill Summary:

The Sentencing Reform Act of 2021, SB300, restores judicial discretion to the excessive carceral sentencing mandated by California’s felony murder special circumstance law.

Life Without Parole should not be a mandatory minimum.

Bill Status: 

SB300 passed the Assembly Public Safety Committee last week and is moving to Appropriations. Please let the committee members know you would like them to vote #YesonSB300 by emailing and calling them.

Action items

Help pass SB300 out of Appropriations

(CHAIR) AD 41 | D | Holden | 916-319-2041

(VICE CHAIR) AD 05 | R | Bigelow | 916-319-2005

AD 54 | D | Bryan | 916-319-2054

AD 57 | D | Calderon | 916-319-2057

AD 51 | D | Carrillo | 916-319-2051

AD 01 | R | Dahle | 916-319-2001

AD 73 | R | Davies | 916-319-2073

AD 49 | D | Fong, Mike | 916-319-2049

AD 34 | R | Fong, Vince | 916-319-2034

AD 45 | D | Gabriel | 916-319-2045

AD 56 | D | Garcia, Eduardo | 916-319-2056

AD 10 | D | Levine | 916-319-2010

AD 20 | D | Quirk | 916-319-2020

AD 30 | D | Rivas, Robert | 916-319-2030

AD 11 | D | Wilson | 916-319-2011

Call template:

"Hi, my name is [NAME] I'm a constituent living in [city]. I'm calling today to urge the Assemblymember to vote to pass SB300, The Sentencing Reform Act, out of Appropriations. SB300 brings crucial reform to California’s unjust and extreme felony murder special circumstance law by ensuring that the death penalty and life without parole sentences won’t be imposed on people who did not kill, or intend a person to die, during a crime. This is a common-sense reform that will improve equality in California’s criminal legal system, particularly for our Black and Brown community members who are disproportionately harmed by felony murder special circumstances. Thank you for your time and support!”

Find additional talking points to add or change out here

Message template (if you see your representative on this list use the form on their website to submit a message as well):


I am writing to urge the Assemblymember to pass SB300 out of appropriations when it comes to a hearing.

SB 300 (Cortese), The Sentencing Reform Act, is a modest reform to address extreme sentencing for people charged as accomplices under California’s felony murder special circumstance law. Current law mandates death by execution or life without the possibility of parole, even for those who did not cause or intend a person’s death.

SB 300 restores discretion to judges to impose a sentence of 25 years-to-life if they determine that an opportunity to earn parole would best serve the interest of justice in a case where a special circumstance has been charged. 

I am asking the Assemblymember to SUPPORT SB300. I appreciate your time and support.

Thank you,

(your name)

Thank you for taking action!


Thank you for taking action! 〰️