Take Actions with #TeamJustice TODAY!

#TeamJustice is a coalition of partners who are committed to doing the work in state legislations to create meaningful changes in our criminal justice system under the equity and justice lens for the Black and Brown communities. Join us today to take these quick actions & be a part of the movement of change!

#TeamJustice & partners are advocating for you to SUPPORT SB300 in this 2021 legislative cycle.

Bill Summary:

the Sentencing Reform Act of 2021, SB300, restores judicial discretion to the excessive carceral sentencing mandated by California’s felony murder special circumstance law.

Life Without Parole should not be a mandatory minimum.

Actions you can take today

Make a call to pass SB300!

  1. Find your CA Assemblymember here

  2. Note your Assembly district number

  3. Call your Assemblymember’s Capitol office - (916) 319-20XX

    • XX = your Assembly District

    "Hi, my name is [NAME] I'm a constituent living in [city]. I'm calling today to urge the Assemblymember to vote aye on SB300, The Sentencing Reform Act of 2021. SB 300 brings crucial reform to California’s unjust and extreme felony murder special circumstance law by ensuring that the death penalty and life without parole sentences won’t be imposed on people who did not kill, or intend a person to die, during a crime. This is a common-sense reform that will improve equality in California’s criminal legal system, particularly for our Black and Brown community members who are disproportionately harmed by felony murder special circumstances. Thank you for your time and support!”